UIF Letter Of Good Standing. How To Apply. Full Details – South Africa Insider

UIF Letter Of Good Standing. How To Apply. Full Details

Are you thinking of applying for a UIF letter of good standing? Then this post might be just what you need to help you out.

In this post, I will be taking you through how to apply for a UIF letter of good standing and also provide you with other necessary information worth knowing about the application for a compliance letter. 

What is A letter of good standing? 

A Letter of Good Standing is an official letter that verifies that you are a COID holder who has made all of your Compensation Fund payments on time.

The reason that Tenders and Contracts frequently need you to have a Letter of Good Standing is to ensure that you are fully responsible for your personnel and that you are legally authorised to operate.

This Letter states that you are in good standing with the Compensation Commissioner and you have met all their requirements.

What documents do you need to get a letter of good standing? 

  • You have to be registered with the Compensation Fund – section 80 of the COID Act. 
  • You have to be up-to-date with your Return of Earnings submissions – section 82 0f the COID Act. 
  • You must be fully assessed by the Compensation Fund in terms of your payable amount – section 83 of the COID Act. 
  • You have to be up-to-date with your due payments – section 86 of the COID Act.

How to apply for a letter of good standing

The UIF Compliance unit has created a dedicated e-mail address as a central point to which all applications should be directed/e-mailed.

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In order to apply for a Compliance Certificate or Letter of Good Standing please send an e-mail to [email protected]

You will get an automatic response with an application form attached.

Please complete the application form and e-mail it back to [email protected]

The UIF will get in touch with you within 7 days.

Should you not receive a response after 7 days, send a follow up e-mail to [email protected][email protected] or [email protected]

If you are thinking of learning how to apply for UIF compliance certificate letter online then the video below must be helpful in your course.

Watch the video below:

Thank you for reading this post, we wish to see you soon. 

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