List Of Pharmacy Assistant Course In UniSa – South Africa Insider

List Of Pharmacy Assistant Course In UniSa

Welcome to, a comprehensive platform for anything South Africa. In this article, we will be talking about list of pharmacy assistant course in unisa. Kindly stay with us.


Unisa is Africa’s largest open distance learning institution and the world’s oldest specialized distance education university. We enroll roughly one-third of all students in South Africa.

Founded in 1873 as the University of the Cape of Good Hope, the institution became the world’s first public university to educate solely by distance education in 1946. Unisa was perhaps the only university in South Africa that guaranteed equal access to education to all individuals, regardless of race, color, or creed, over the years.

This dynamic past is reflected in our rich history, particularly in our huge and outstanding database of graduates, some of whom can be found at the highest echelons of society around the world.

Given its roots in South Africa and the African continent, Unisa may now legitimately claim to be Africa’s university in the service of humanity.

They have accepted the fact that they must immediately adjust to the fast-paced higher education environment of the twenty-first century, which is reflected in their management style and leadership practice. Furthermore, one of our primary goals is to capitalize on the new and developing possibilities in information and communication technology in order to launch the university into a genuinely digital future.

With about 400 000 present students, they provide an unequaled range of study options, ranging from short courses and certificate programs to three- and four-year degrees and diplomas. Their research endeavors have earned us numerous accolades, recognitions, and honors as one of the continent’s premier research institutes.

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Courses Offered At UniSA

Diploma in Policing (98220)
Diploma in Accounting Sciences (98200)
Diploma in Administrative Management (98216)
Diploma in Animal Health (98026 – AHE)
Diploma in Human Resource Management (98211)
Diploma in Information Technology (98806 – ITE)
Diploma in Marketing Management (98202)

Advanced Diploma: Unisa Available Courses 2022-2023

Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Certificate in The Theory of Accounting (Revised Curriculum 2020) (98230 – CT1)
Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Financial Accounting (98230 – FAC)
Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Internal Auditing (98230 – AUI)

Cost Of Studying Pharmacy Assistant In South Africa

Pharmacy Assistant

Description Cost VAT Incl.(R)
Annual Fee – Providers Pharmacy Technician qualification 21441.00
Annual Fee -Pharmacy Technical Assistant 239.00
Annual Fee -Pharmacy Technician 592.00
Annual Fee -Pharmacy Technician Student 239.00


List Of Pharmacy Assistant Course In UniSa

Purpose: This module will teach students about the interactions of medications and biological systems. It will cover the study of pharmaceuticals as well as the reactions of the body or a microbe to the drug.

Thank you for reading our todays topic on list of pharmacy assistant course in unisa. Complete list. we hope to see you again.

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