Study Abroad Scholarships For South African Students. Full Details – South Africa Insider

Study Abroad Scholarships For South African Students. Full Details

Welcome to our blog, in this post, we will take you through study abroad scholarship for South African students. Kindly stay with us.

About South Africa 

South Africa was once a Dutch settlement at the far south of the African continent. The Dutch settlers, known as Boers, were driven northward by an inflow of British in the 19th century. The discovery of gold and diamonds in the mid-nineteenth century made the country worth fighting over, and the English fought the Boer War until 1902.

A policy known as apartheid, or “apartness,” which segregated indigenous and European populations, worked to the harm of the indigenous population. That changed in 1994, when the two populations agreed to share political power, and now, the majority of South Africa’s leaders are native Africans, not Dutch ancestors.

South Africa is currently working to increase access to its economic system in order to address persisting socioeconomic imbalances, a process that is attracting international attention. South African sites like Bloemfontein provide significant fossils for the study of human evolution for anthropology students.

Now let’s focus our attention to the reason why you clicked on this post by looking at study abroad programs offered to South African students in USA and Europe.

Study Abroad Scholarships For South African Students

Scholarship programs for South African student in USA

Michigan State University

The Office of Study Abroad (OSA) at Michigan State University provides a variety of intriguing study-abroad programmes in South Africa, as well as scholarship support to help students pay for their excursions. Academic achievement and financial necessity are considered in all OSA scholarships.

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Here are four samples of what you might come across:

  • For the two freshmen seminars offered each summer in South Africa, you can use either the Office of Study Abroad scholarship or the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education scholarship ($250 each) to defray your costs.
  • The Forest Akers Scholarship goes to financially needy students who cannot apply for Pell grants.
  • The MSU Federal Credit Union Scholarships are the largest awards, in the amount of $2,000 for an academic year.

Indiana University (South Bend)

Indiana University’s Office of Overseas Study works with students from all eight of the university’s campuses, including the one in South Bend, which provides the Social Action Project (SOCACT) every other year. The Psychology Department sponsors SOCACT, which works on social science research initiatives. For students enrolled in any of Indiana University’s study-abroad programmes, there is a  page with scholarship information.

Elon University

Elon University sponsors courses of South African studies, and has posted a very thorough page on all types of financial aid available for foreign study, including scholarships offered through the university. Here are two of Elon’s own scholarships:

  • The Isabella Cannon International Centre Scholarships go to students who can demonstrate financial need, and there is a special application form for these awards, which can be for as much as $1,000.
  • The Geography Program Study Abroad Essay Contest is open to any Elon student who wants to travel, and brings $500 to the winner.

Scholarship Programs For South Africa Students In Europe 

1. NETHERLANDS: Orange Knowledge Programme Individual Scholarships 2022

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Mid-career professionals from South Africa and other participating countries are invited to apply for scholarships to study in the Netherlands for a Short Course through Nuffic South Africa’s Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP).

The OKP Scholarship, which is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and administered by Nuffic (the Dutch organisation for Internationalisation in Education), aims to help individuals and organisations develop their capacity, knowledge, and quality in the fields of technical and vocational education and training, higher education, and other fields related to priority themes in the OKP partner countries.

More information on the Orange Knowledge Programme scholarship can be found at

2.  MAURITIUS: Mauritius-Africa Scholarship Scheme 2022 (October 2022 Intake)

The Government of Mauritius is giving full-time, on-campus undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships to qualifying South Africans for the 2022 academic year, which begins in October 2022, at public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Mauritius.

The Nominating Agency for South Africans interested in applying for the Mauritius-Africa Scholarship Scheme is the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET). The following information is only for South African applicants. For information on how to apply, applicants from other eligible countries may contact their government or a local representative of the Mauritius government.

3. Italian Government Grants for Foreign Citizens and Italian Citizens Living Abroad 2022-2023

For the academic year 2022-2023, the Italian government (MAECI) is granting grants to foreign residents and Italian citizens residing abroad who wish to study, train, or do research at public and accredited Italian higher education institutions.

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The funds are intended to promote international cooperation in artistic, scientific, and technological domains, promote Italian language and culture, and support Italy’s global economic system.

More information on the grants can be found at:

4. KAZAKHSTAN: Ministry of Education and Science Scholarships 2022

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan is inviting applications from international students for Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD scholarships for full time studies in Kazakhstan.

For more information on the scholarships programme, visit

5. France-South Africa Scholarship Programme 2023

The France-South Africa Scholarship Programme is accepting applications from South Africans who desire to study Master’s or Doctoral studies at French higher education institutions beginning in September 2023. Potential applicants from Lesotho and Malawi are also welcome to apply.

Scholarship awardees will pursue a specialised track in South Africa from February to July 2023 due to differences in the Southern and Northern hemisphere academic calendars. This track will feature online French courses provided by the Alliances Françaises network. Depending on the opportunities and characteristics of each scholarship candidate, it may also involve an internship with a French company headquartered in South Africa.

Thank you for reading this post hope to see you on the next article.


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