Non Repayable Small Business Grants, Types, How To Apply And More – South Africa Insider

Non Repayable Small Business Grants, Types, How To Apply And More

We are going to show you how to get funding from the South African government for your small business. You have to first go through the list of the non repayable small business grants in South, which are in this post.

Take note that, though you are not mandated to pay back non-repayable grants, they are not free monies. The reason is that, there are stipulations about how the money should be used by you. To reiterate, we are going to guide you on how to apply for any of these non repayable small business grants in South Africa.

About Non Repayable Small Business Grants In South Africa 

Some of the ways in which the South African government contributes to funding of small businesses include, giving out grants and other lucrative incentives like tax free or breaks.

Non-repayable business grants are types of development funding, given by the South African government to facilitate the growth of small and micro businesses. It is worth mentioning that, with these types of government grants, you are not required to return the money, or even pay interest on them.

Types Of Business Grants In South Africa

All non payable small business grants fall under two categories or types. The first type are those that cover 100% of the financial need. Secondly, the cost-sharing grants, they are those that only cover a part of the required amount.

List Of Non Repayable Small Business Grants In South Africa 

Agro-Processing Support Scheme (APSS)

The scheme is particularly designed for businesses in food and beverage value addition and processing, furniture manufacturing, fibre processing, feed production, and fertiliser production.

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The governmental agency in charge of the Agro-Processing Support Scheme is the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC).

Black Industrialists Scheme (BIS) – DTIC

The Black Industrialists Scheme is meant to unlock the industrial potential of largely black-owned and black-managed businesses within the South Africa economy.

Business And Arts South Africa Supporting Grant Programme

Incentivises business sponsorship of the arts, by means of giving additional funds to a sponsored arts organisation.

Co-operatives Incentive Scheme (CIS)

The Co-operatives Incentive Scheme is 100% non-repayable business grant to increase the viability and competitiveness of co-operative enterprises. It assists in lowering cooperatives’ cost of doing business by means of an incentive that supports Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment.

The Department of Small Business Development (DSBD) is the governmental agency responsible for the Co-operatives Incentive Scheme.

Clothing and Textile Competitiveness Improvement Programme (CIP) – DTIC

Infrastructure Investment Programme for South Africa (IIPSA) – Development Bank of South Africa (DBSA)

  • Export Marketing and Investment Assistance (EMIA) – DTIC
  • Pre-commercialisation Support Fund – Technology Innovation Agency (TIA)
  • National Youth Development Agency – NYDA
  • Youth Pipeline Development Programme – Industrial Development Corporation (IDC)
  • Sector Funding – TIA
  • Support Programme for Industrial Innovation – DTIC
  • Seed Fund – TIA
  • Sector Specific Assistance Scheme – DTIC
  • Seda Technology Programme (STP)

How To Apply For Non Repayable Small Business Grants

To apply for non repayable small business grants, get to know the department it falls under. After, you call the department for further information on the application. Yet still, contact the Small Enterprise Department.

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About Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda)

The Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda) assists or facilitate the growth of small business in South Africa.

One can go to Seda for an assistance to commence a business or, provided they already have a business, to make it flourish and more profitable.

Moreover, Seda has a special attention on co-operative enterprises, where a group of entrepreneurs share the profits and responsibility of a business.

You can call Seda on 012 441 1000 or 0860 103 703. Yet still, visit their website on




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