How To Register A Domestic Worker For Uif
In order to reduce the potentially devastating issues of not having an income, South Africa has Uif from which workers can claim for some time. Uif stands for Unemployment Insurance Fund. So today, let’s see how to register a domestic worker for Uif in South Africa.
Basically, in this post, the main topics to be discussed are:
- Details About Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF).
- Benefits Of The Unemployment Insurance Fund.
- People Who Should Contribute To UIF.
- People Who Should Not Contribute To UIF.
- People Who Can Claim The UIF.
- How To Register A Domestic Worker For Uif.
About Unemployment Insurance Fund
The UIF provides short-term relief to workers at the time when they become unemployed or incapable to work due to issues such as illness, maternity, adoption and parental leave, etc. It also gives relief to the dependants of a departed contributor.
The following legislation govern the unemployment insurance system in South Africa:
- Unemployment Insurance Act, 2001 (the UI Act)
- Unemployment Insurance Contributions Act, 2002 (the UIC Act)
These Acts came into effect in 1 April 2002.
Benefits Of The Unemployment Insurance Fund.
- Illness benefits
- Maternity benefits
- Adoption benefits
- Death benefits
People Who Should Contribute To UIF
Every employee, together with their employers, are obligated to contribute to the UIF.
People Who Should Not Contribute To UIF
An employee is exempted from contributing to the Unemployment Insurance Fund (Uif) provided he/ she is:
- employed by the employer for not more than 24 hours a month
- employed as an employee in the national or provincial domain of Government
- the President, Deputy President, a Minister, Deputy Minister, a permanent delegate to the National Council of Provinces, a member of the National Assembly, a member of an Executive Council, a member of a provincial legislature, a member of a municipal council, a traditional leader, a premier, a member of a provincial House of Traditional Leaders and a member of the Council of Traditional Leaders.
People Who Can Claim The UIF
One can claim Uif if he or she:
- is employed or must have been employed.
- made monthly contributions to the UIF.
- has worked more than 24 hours a month.
One cannot claim Uif if he or she:
- is an employee of the above stated positions in the government.
- has worked not more than 24 hours a month.
How To Register A Domestic Worker For Uif
You can register with the UIF using several means. It’s the employers’ mandate to fill in and send the forms to register themselves and their workers (domestic workers).
Registering Online
The following steps are required to register a domestic worker via online:
Step 1: Get the requisite information available
Have with you information such as ID numbers and addresses of employers and workers ready before proceeding with the registration.
Step 2: Complete the online registration
Finish the online registration forms for:
- Commercial Employers
- Employers of Domestic Workers
Registering Thru E-mail
Step 1: Get the forms
Have with you the UI-8 and UI-19 (for business employers) or the UI-8D and UI-19 (for domestic employers) from the website.
Step 2: Fill in the forms
Employers must complete the forms for themselves as well as their workers. The form for the registration of workers inquires for an employee’s reference number. Employers without a reference number should leave this part. The Uif will create a reference number and forward it to you. The part asking for a signature should be ignored.
Step 3: E-Mail the forms
Domestic Employers: E-mail the forms to the UIF at [email protected].
Commercial Employers: E-mail the forms to the UIF at [email protected].
Registering Thru Telephone
Step 1: Get the requisite information ready
Get information such as the ID numbers and addresses of employers and workers available before calling the UIF.
Step 2: Call The UIF
Call the UIF at (012) 337 1680 and follow the instructions of the UIF official.
Registering Through Fax
Step 1: Call the UIF fax line
Get UI-8 for commercial employers or UI-8D for domestic/private household and UI-19 from your nearest Department of Labour or Department of Labour’s website.
Step 2: Fill in the forms
Step 3: Fax the forms back
Fax the completed forms back to the UIF at 086 713 3000.
Registering At A Labour Centre
Step 1: Get the necessary information available
Step 2: Get the forms
Step 3: Fill in the forms
Step 4: Hand in the forms
Hand in the forms with the labour centre staff.
Provided your domestic worker works for you for more than 24 hours in a month, it’s required of you to register him/her with the Department of Labour for the Unemployment Insurance Fund. This is a must for both parties.
In case your employee becomes unemployed as a result of retrenchment, dismissal or contract expiry (not including resignation) or is incapable to work as a result of maternity or adoption leave, downsizing, they will be able to claim from the Unemployment Insurance Fund.
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