How To Apply For Scholar Transport Permit – South Africa Insider

How To Apply For Scholar Transport Permit

Each day, millions of scholars or learners in South Africa hoping to improve themselves through education, wake up early to attend school. But for scholars who have lengthy distances to travel, the journey can be much more challenging.

In today’s post, we are going to focus on scholar transport in South Africa. Consequently, we are going to guide you on how to apply for a scholar transport permit or operating license in South Africa.

With respect to the National Land Traffic Act, 5 of 2009, Section 54 & 62, any person at all transporting passengers in South Africa must obtain a public operating licence.

Basically, people who want to operate a bus, tourist, charter, shuttle, metered taxi, scholar and staff services, must all obtain licenses or permits.

About Scholar Transport In South Africa

Obviously, one critical challenge the South African government is facing currently is the transportation of scholars to their educational institutions.

Most scholars in South Africa, especially those in rural areas encounter challenges such as: walking long distances to schools, high cost of transport, high accident rates, safety threatened by criminals, negative impact on academic performance, etc. As a result, a scholar transport policy was initiated by the government through the Department of Transport, to deal with these challenges.

The Scholar Transport Policy provides for contracted service providers or non-contracted service providers within the wide scale of scholar transportation.

The Scholar Transport Policy emphasizes the need to bring a consistent strategy to the transportation of scholars and the accomplishment of the constitutional mandate of the Transport Department to render a safe, reliable and efficient transport system in South Africa.

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Vehicle Safety For Scholars In South Africa

Children are not permitted to be transported in delivery vans, trucks or on open bakkies.

Vehicles used for the transportation of scholars must:

  • Not be more than 12 years old
  • Be registered and licensed
  • Be tested at a roadworthy centre every six months
  • Have a special ‘vehicle fitness’ certificate
  • Have a seatbelt for every scholar and a car seat for every child younger than three years old. 

How To Apply For Scholar Transport Permit In South Africa

In order to transport scholars to their various schools, the vehicle operator should have a valid operating licence.

According to law, vehicle operators must register with the Department of Roads and Transport. An Operating Licence can be renewed after a period of seven (7) years. 

Documents Required For Scholar Transport Permit Application

  • A letter of agreement with the school; or a letter from the principal that explains a need for the service; or a letter of permission from the parents. A copy of this must always be kept in the vehicle. 
  • A road-by-road description of the route to be travelled to pick up or drop off the children.
  • A valid tax clearance certificate from the South African Revenue Service.
  • Copy of ID/Company/CC.
  • Copy of SARS’ Tax Clearance.
  • Proof of Address.
  • Certificate of Fitness (CoF); (of vehicle/s.
  • Certificate of Registration (CoR). (of vehicle/s.

Scholar Transport Permit Application Process In South Africa

Complete the application Form 1B and submit it with:

  • Certified South African Identity copy/Company Registration Certificate (CC); 
  • Letter from Educational Institution
  • Original Tax Clearance Certificate (SARS); 
  • Valid Contract (if a contracted service); 
  • Specify the type of vehicle;
  • Provide a detailed description of the route.
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Where To Apply For Scholar Transport Permit In South Africa 

Visit any of the Department of Roads and Transport’s TOLAB offices below:

Tshwane Office:

Cnr. Eskia Mphahlele and Johannes Ramokhoase Streets. (opp. Marabastad Home Affairs), Pretoria

Tel: (012) 327 3611/3738 

Manager: Ms Sarah Malele – 082 615 5556 /(011) 344 2686

Email: [email protected]

Operating times: Monday – Friday 08 : 00 – 16 : 00

Johannesburg Office:

​45 Commissioner Street, Life Centre Building, Marshalltown – Johannesburg

Tel: (011) 227 8341/45/46 or (011) 355 7332

Manager: Mr Sechaba Tumelo – 063 697 2568 / (011) 227 833 

Email: [email protected] Operating times: Monday – Friday 08 : 00 – 16 : 00

West Rand Office: 

(Relocated to Kagiso DLTC -Umdeni & Kagiso Avenue, Kagiso​​)

Manager: Ms Eunice Maphanga – 079 877 7726/ (010) 345 0761/5

Email: [email protected]

Operating times: Monday – Friday 08 : 00 – 16 : 00

Sedibeng Office

45 Commissioner Street, Life Centre Building, Marshalltown – Johannesburg

Tel: (011 )227 8341/45/46 or (011) 355 7332

Manager: Ms Conny Ndlovu – 066 301 8888 / (011) 227 8331

Email: [email protected]

Operating times: Monday – Friday 08 : 00 – 16 : 00

Ekurhuleni Office:

No. 1 Hardach Street (opp Germiston Magistrate’s Offices),


Tel: (011) 437 5932 / (011) 876 3800 

Manager: Ms Wona Mosala – 082 324 7777/ (011) 876 3820

Email: [email protected]

Operating times: Monday – Friday 08 : 00 – 16 : 00 

Cape Town Transport Information Centre 

Call 0800 65 64 63 (free call) or email [email protected] for public and other transport-related enquiries.







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