How To Apply For SASSA Loan Via Cellphone – South Africa Insider

How To Apply For SASSA Loan Via Cellphone

The South Africa Social Security Agency (SASSA) is a nationally approved organization that is solely aimed at granting applications, support and payment to eligible beneficiaries of South Africans.

Unfortunately, you cannot apply for SASSA loans from their official SASSA office but qualified beneficiaries can apply for their social grants directly from SASSA.

The loans from SASSA is the easiest way to get cash when you are in dire need. In case you need pensioners loan, or perhaps you’ve not thought about SASSA loans, then you will be surprised what this organization can do for you.

Without any wasting of time, below is how to apply for SASSA Loan via Cellphone. 

About SASSA Grant Loans

The Ministry of Social Development announced that, SASSA grant loans is significantly assigned to see to it that the grants given out by the government is lawful and at a location which is accessible to the right person.

South Africa is a nation in which the government is combating three main challenges – unemployment, poverty and inequality.

Great number of money lenders used the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) cards as collateral for credit in 2017. The money lenders were prosecuted by the National Credit Regulator (NCR) when they learnt about that.

The SASSA found out that those who lend money to others often give out the loan in high-interest rate, in which the victims are mostly the pensioners and social recipients.

Sometimes, the SASSA benefactors are compelled to sign up for additional card and a funeral insurance policy by these money lenders.

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Categories Of SASSA Grant Loans

Some of the grants managed by the SASSA exist in order to ease and prevent poverty. The list below: 

  • Child Support Grant
  • Foster Care Grant 
  • Social Relief of Distress
  • Grants for Older Persons 
  • Grants in Aid 
  • Disability Grants 
  • War Veteran’s Grant 

How To Apply For SASSA Loan Via Cellphone 

You can apply the SASSA loans and complete it right from your mobile phone through Moneyline, which is a financing company.

These are the steps you should follow to apply;

  • Visit the Moneyline website and register
  • On your phone, dial the following number *130*373*1
  • Answer using your Identification Number
  • Continue to press the button for answering calls
  • Anytime you have to reply, press 1 in order for Moneyline to gain access it requires to your credit check and also your bank statements
  • Continue to answer with a pin number that you received at the ATM so that the application will keep going 
  • Forward the gross/total amount for your expenses per month 
  • From there, the organization shall redirect you in order for to be able to pick a grant. From that time onwards, you get to notice whether or not your petition for the loan has been granted or declined.

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