Concrete Fencing Prices In South Africa. Full Details – South Africa Insider

Concrete Fencing Prices In South Africa. Full Details

Welcome to our blog, in this post, we will take you through concrete fencing prices in South Africa. Kindly stay with us.

What Is Concrete Fencing? 

Concrete fencing is created from a special type of concrete known as precast concrete. It’s a versatile and durable construction product that is used in a variety of residential and commercial projects.

Natural stone and concrete, coupled with architectural embellishments, are used to produce a long-lasting and visually beautiful system of fencing in precast concrete combination fences. Because the concrete panels are manufactured off-site in a pre-made mould, these fences can be textured with stone on both sides of the wall. Because of its inherent strength and functionality, as well as its aesthetic appeal, concrete combination fences are favoured.

Benefits Of Concrete Fencing 

Prevent Massive Erosion Of Garden Soil 

The usage of a precast fence as a concrete retaining wall is one of the most compelling reasons to construct it. In terms of functionality, these walls are ideal for keeping soil in place and preventing it from becoming loose and running off.

Enhance the aesthetic appeal of your house

However, a precast combination fence designed as a concrete retaining wall can improve the aesthetic appeal of one’s backyard or front yard, which is one of the biggest draws for homeowners.

Can be customized to the owner’s preference 

Precast concrete fences can be finished to seem like real stone. They can also be custom constructed to include small nooks that can be utilised to house planters, lighting, statuary, and other patio features. They can also be used with decorative iron to create an appealing aesthetic.

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Concrete Fencing Prices In South Africa

Precast Walling prices range from R650 to R1400 per meter, there are many styles to choose from and prices also depend on the style, height or colours. These prices include installation.

Having good security is very important, precast walling is a very good source of security for your home or business and it also looks neat and tidy.

Precast Concrete Fencing Prices Per Meter Installed  

Standard Precast Walling 2.1m high From R650 per metre
Standard Precast Walling 2.4m high From R705 per metre
Standard Precast Walling 2.7m high From R760 per metre
Crushed Clay Precast Walling 1.8m high From R820 per metre
Crushed Clay Precast Walling 2.1m high From R920 per metre
Crushed Clay Precast Walling 2.4m high From R998 per metre
Heavy Duty Precast Walling 2.4m high From R1300 per metre
Heavy Duty Precast Walling 2.7m high From R1400 per metre

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