How to Claim UIF in South Africa. Full Guide – South Africa Insider

How to Claim UIF in South Africa. Full Guide

This is the ultimate guide on how to claim UIF in South Africa. We promise you, it is the most comprehensive article that covers everything you need to know about claiming UIF.

Let’s get started.

What is UIF?

For the sake of first-timers, we would like to clarify what UIF is in a few paragraphs. UIF is the abbreviation for Unemployment Insurance Fund.

It is a short-term financial buffer instituted for workers that may become unemployed or unable to work due to ill health, maternity or adoption leave.

Who is in charge of the UIF in South Africa?

The unemployment insurance system in South Africa is governed by the following legislation:

  • Unemployment Insurance Act, 2001 (the UI Act)
  • Unemployment Insurance Contributions Act, 2002 (the UIC Act)

List of Benefits covered by the UIF

The UIF covers five main benefits. They are:

  • Unemployment benefits;
  • Illness benefits;
  • Maternity benefits;
  • Death benefits
  • Adoption benefits

How much can workers claim?

You can claim for up to 238 days if you have contributed to the Fund for four years or longer.

If you contributed for a shorter length of time, you can claim one day for every six days you worked while contributing to the Fund.

You can only claim up to 121 days of maternity leave if you take it.

The Fund pays you a portion of your wage/salary earned while contributing to the fund.

The maximum amount that can be paid is 58% of your daily earnings.

claim uif now
claim uif now

Who can apply for UIF unemployment benefits?

  • A worker whose employer has terminated his contract or service
  • A worker who is unable to continue work due to ailment or maternity/adoption leave


The best period to apply for UIF benefits

There are specific timelines to take note of when it comes to UIF. I have explained below.

A former worker who has been unemployed and met all the requirements above must apply for the UIF benefits as soon as possible, mostly within six months of the termination of the working contract or employment.

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Requirements for the Unemployed Insurance Fund

Not every worker in South Africa is entitled to the UIF. You should make sure you have met all the following requirements before starting an application to claim a UIF.

Applicant must:

  • Have contributed to the UIF whiles they were working. We have an article that thoroughly covers how to pay UIF contributions. CLICK HERE.
  • Have not resigned deliberately from work
  • Have not been suspended by employer due to incompliance
  • Have not absconded from work
  • Register as a work seeker

Documents required to claim UIF

The following documents must be submitted in person during an application for the Unemployment Insurance Fund.

  • 13-digit bar-coded ID or passport
  • Form UI-2.8 for banking details
  • Form UI-19 to show confirm that you are no longer working for your employer
  • Proof of registration as a work seeker.

Ways to claim UIF

There are basically two ways to claim UIF. They are:

  • Claiming via online and
  • Claiming offline or onsite

Steps to Apply for UIF Offline/Onsite

Unemployed workers must apply for benefits at the nearest labour centre in person. See the full application steps below.

  1. Visit the nearest labour centre with the above-listed documents
  2. Hand in the documents to a qualified officer/staff
  3. The staff will assist you through the entire process and the next steps.
  4. Staff will inform you whether you are eligible to claim UIF or not


Claiming UIF Online

The uFiling platform or service is designed to help qualified applicants apply for UIF online conveniently.

To claim your UIF online, follow the steps below. Make sure you have a laptop/computer and working internet.


Steps to apply for specific UIF Benefits

Applying for unemployment Benefits

  1. Visit the UIF official website or get the form at the nearest labour office
  2. Accept the terms and conditions governing the system
  3. Confirm your bank details – Account name, account number, branch, etc.
  4. Verify and complete your personal details and update any changes.
  5. Key in your occupation and qualification
  6. Confirm that you are a work seeker.
  7. Your application is ready for processing.
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Applying for maternity Benefits

  1. Follow the steps in the application for unemployment benefits up to step 5
  2. Confirm if you are receiving a salary from your employer whilst on maternity leave
  3. Your application will be ready for processing.


Applying for Illness Benefits

  1. Follow the steps in the application for unemployment benefits up to step 5
  2. Confirm if you are receiving a salary from your employer whilst on Illness leave
  3. Your application will be ready for processing.


Applying for Adoption Benefits

  1. Follow the steps in the application for unemployment benefits up to step 5
  2. Confirm if you are receiving a salary from your employer whilst on Adoption leave & Adopted Child’s Details
  3. Your application will be ready for processing.


Filling the UIF Claim Forms


More information about the Unemployment Insurance Fund

I believe you have been well-informed about the UIF through this post. However, if you need further information, you may have to click the links below or call the UIF official number – 0800 030 007.

Other contact details

UIF Support website –

Working hours – 07:30 to 16:00

Working days – Mondays to Fridays

Official email – [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].

Fax Number(s): 086 713 3000

Street Address:

UIF Building

230 Lillian Ngoyi Street, Absa Towers, Pretoria Central

Postal Address:

The UIF, Pretoria, 0052


UIF Claimed Approved SMS

You may receive an SMS once your claim has been approved. A sample of the UIF claimed approved SMS is below.

Dear LEBOGANG DINEO TSHOLOFELO. UIF: Mr/Mrs LEBOGANG DINEO TSHOLOFELO HUMA Your claim Case No: 40000182984 is approved. Submit Request for Payment after 15 days at a local Labour Centre or via online portal. Enquiries contact local Labour Centre . Case No : 40000182984.


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FAQ About claiming UIF in South Africa

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”How long does it take for UIF to pay out?” answer-0=”You will be notified and first payment will be sent once claim is approved.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”When can I claim illness benefits?” answer-1=”You can claim illness benefits if you are of for illness for a period longer than two weeks. ” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”How does the maternity benefit work?” answer-2=”Maternity benefits can be claimed if you are pregnant and take maternity leave. You can take maternity leave at any time from four weeks before the expected date of birth and you may not work for a period of six weeks after the birth.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”My spouse passed away, can I claim?” answer-3=”The wife/ husband or minor child of someone who has died can claim death benefits if the deceased contributed to the fund.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h3″ question-4=”How does the adoption benefit work?” answer-4=”You can claim adoption benefits if you legally adopt a child younger than two years old and you leave work to look after the child. Only one of the adopting parents can apply for benefits.” image-4=”” count=”5″ html=”true” css_class=””]

Other unanswered Questions.

Leave your answers below in the comment section.

Can I Claim UIF after 5 Years?

How do I claim UIF money online?

How do I claim UIF if unemployed?


Video on How to claim UIF in South Africa

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