Pool Filter Sand Price Full Details – South Africa Insider

Pool Filter Sand Price Full Details

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Having a pool to enjoy during hot weather, barbecues, and when friends and family come is a terrific benefit that may result in many amazing and fun memories.

Pools, on the other hand, do not keep clean on their own; they require regular maintenance and a working pool filter to remove minute dust and debris particles from the water. Sand filters are typically used for this purpose, but the pool filter sand can become dirty and polluted with time, reducing the filter’s ability to work.

Instead of changing the complete pool filter, the sand can be drained and changed. Pool filter sand is typically used to filter material as tiny as 20 microns, with 1 micron equaling 1/26,000 of an inch.

The best pool filter sand may filter particles as fine as 3 microns, depending on the type of pool filter sand utilized. The following list includes various excellent items, but keep reading to learn about the most crucial criteria to consider before choosing one type of sand over another.

What to Consider When Choosing the Best Pool Filter Sand

Before selecting the best pool filter sand for your sand filter, you must first decide the type of sand that is appropriate for your pool. Consider the grain size, sand quantity, and compatibility with above-ground or in-ground pool filtration systems. Continue reading for additional helpful shopping advice and information on vital product characteristics.

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Types Of Pool Filter Sand

Silica, zeolite, and glass sand are three typical varieties of pool filter sand that are designed to effectively trap dirt and debris and keep the pool water clean.

Silica pool filter sand is the most commonly used type. It’s inexpensive, easy to find, and can filter particles down to 20 microns, which is approximately 0.0008 inches. Silica sand is made with ground quartz, and it has rough edges to help trap particulates.

Zeolite pool filter sand is made from volcanic rock minerals and can filter debris as small as 10 microns, giving it a slight edge over silica pool filter sand. However, zeolite sand is also capable of binding with chloramines to help maintain the chlorine balance in the pool water.

Glass pool filter sand is the best option for removing very small particles from the pool water. This alternative to silica sand is made from recycled glass and can capture debris as small as 3 to 5 microns in size, making it a good option for pools that have recurring algae problems. This is because while algae is often 30 microns in size, algae spores can be much smaller, allowing them to slip through silica sand and create new problems in the pool.

Grain Size

Pool filter sand particle size can be measured in inches, however due to the size of the sand, it is easier to express it in millimeters. A sand filter requires the proper size sand grains in order to function properly. If the grains are too fine, the movement of water through the filter might actually sweep them up and push a considerable amount of the sand back into the pool rather than cleaning it.

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Large grains will not be pushed out of the filter, but they will also be less effective at screening small particles. With this in mind, the optimal grain size for filtering pool water is between 0.45 and 0.55 millimeters, or 0.018 to 0.022 inch. In a pool filter, never use industrial or play sand. It will not perform properly and may harm the filtering system.

Above-Ground vs. In-Ground Pool

Pool filters can be used with both above-ground and in-ground pools, but differences in flow rates mean that there are some pool filter sand products that aren’t appropriate for all types.

Above-ground pool filters will typically be smaller and the water flow through them will also be lower because the pump doesn’t need to work as hard to pull the water into the filtration system. These sand filters can be used with grains of sand as small as 0.45 millimeters without pulling sand out of the filter.

In-ground pool filters require a heavier grain of sand above 0.5 millimeters so that the more powerful filtration system can be used without worrying about filling the pool with sand.

Beyond the flow rate of the filtration system, there isn’t a lot of difference between pool filter sand used in above-ground sand filters and the sand used with in-ground sand filters.

Filter Compatibility

Look for product information that indicates the filter type before deciding on a pool filter sand to refill your sand filter. This can include above-ground, in-ground, commercial, and residential sand filters with small differences between each type.

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Above-ground and in-ground pool filters typically use the same type of pool filter sand, but it must be the correct size to prevent the sand from being pulled into the pool instead of acting as a filter.

Commercial filters will often have to deal with a lot of dirt and debris from a large number of people, so it’s best to use a zeolite or glass pool filter sand that can trap particles as small as 3 to 5 microns.
Residential pool filters may not require the same level of filtration, so users can get away with the more affordable silica pool filter sand. However, both zeolite and glass can also be used for crystal clear water.

Pool Filter Sand Price

Bluechem Filter Sand (40kg) cost R149 each.

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