How To Apply For Joshco Flats – South Africa Insider

How To Apply For Joshco Flats

Joshco is concerned with providing people with places to live in South Africa. This post will serve as a guide for you should in case you want to know how to apply for Joshco flats.

Joshco’s project portfolio comprises of: greenfield and brownfield developments, hostel redevelopment, inner city refurbishments/conversions, COJ public stock/upgrades, communal and transitional housing and student accommodation.


JOSHCO, which is both a developer and a rental agent, was founded by the City of Johannesburg (CoJ) in March, 2004. It was mandated to render and manage social and affordable rental housing that services various household income levels (R1 850 to R22 000 per month).

At the moment, JOSHCO manages about 8,825 social and affordable rental flats or units. The primary business of JOSHCO involves:

  • the development of social and rental housing;
  • the conversion and refurbishment, upgrading and management of some of the City-owned rental housing stock;
  • the refurbishment, upgrading of some city-owned rental stock, upgrading of hostels and the provision of turnaround strategies where necessary.

JOSHCO exists mainly to wipe out the housing backlog within the City of Johannesburg. JOSHCO is a council-owned body operated by an independent board and it is a registered Social Housing Institution which is accredited by the Social Housing Regulatory Authority (SHRA).

How To Qualify For JOSHCO Flat

There are certain requirements you must meet in order to qualify for JOSHCO unit. Below are these requirements:

  • You must have a permanent residence;
  • You must be 18 years and older. Alternatively, open to suretyship agreement form if under 18;
  • You must be permanently employed;
  • You must be self-employed, with proof of income in a way of a bank statement;
  • You must earn between R1 500 – R15 000 in order to qualify for a SHRA funded or Greenfield Project.
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Documents Required In Order To Apply For JOSHCO

  • Certified ID copy
  • Letter of employment signed and dated, letter to confirm employment date and must have reachable employer contact details.
  • Latest pay slip if you earn a monthly salary
  • 12 consecutive pays lip if your earning is commission based
  • 4 pay slips for weekly earners
  • 2 consecutive pay slips for Fortnite earners
  • 3 months Bank statement, stamped inside the bank / ink-based stamp
  • Proof of residence/ letter from loans- cellphone account, Edgar’s account, municipal account etc.

How To Apply For JOSHCO Flats Or Unit

Under normal conditions, it takes between 6 – 8 weeks to get approved or declined by JOSHCO. Below are the steps you need to follow in order to apply for JOSHCO flats:

  • First and foremost, send Heita JOSHCO to JOSHCO’s WhatsApp number: 066 511 7139
  • You will receive an automated response particularizing all available flats or units and their rental requirements including amounts.
  • Incase JOSHCO advertises via digital platforms, it will provide an email address through which you can reach them.

NB: It is possible for some applications to be done through walk-in at specified sites. Send HEITA JOSHCO to WhatsApp number: 066 511 7139 to receive a list of projects or know which JOSHCO flats are available.


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