Freemason South Africa List. Full Details – South Africa Insider

Freemason South Africa List. Full Details

Welcome to our blog, in our last post,  we talked about how to join Freemason in South Africa and what it meant to be a freemason. In this post, we will take you through the list of Freemason members in South Africa.

With a history spanning more than 300 years and over 6,000,000 members worldwide, Freemasonry is the world’s oldest secular institution. Freemasonry is a thriving, modern institution that has moved with the times, having a rich history to draw from.

It has brought together millions of people from many nationalities, faiths, political opinions, and social backgrounds in a fraternal manner as a global society.

Modern Freemasonry may be traced back to before the 15th century, and it proudly upholds the traditions that have been passed down through the generations. These traditions distinguish Freemasonry from the rest of the community.

Freemasonry is a principled way of life, offering a sense of belonging and personal growth. The principles by which a Freemason is expected to conduct himself, are based on tolerance, equality, charity and honour.

Grand Lodge of South Africa

The Grand Lodge of South Africa was founded without the participation of the Netherlands or the United Kingdom. It was founded on April 22, 1961, by Colonel C.G. Botha. Grand Master was bestowed upon Botha. “Deo et Collegio” is the Southern Africa Grand Lodge’s motto. It means “God and Order” in Latin. The Lodge allowed non-white members for the first time in November 1977, as the South African Freemasons had previously been a white-only organisation.

List Of Notable South African Freemasons

P.J. Blignaut – Government Secretary of the Orange Free State

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J.H. Brand – 4th State President of the Orange Free State

L. Botha – 1st Prime Minister of South Africa

T.F. Burgers – 4th President of the South African Republic

P.A. Cronje – South African General

P.J. Joubert – South African General

J.C. Laas – Organizer of the Ossewabrandwag

C.J. Langenhoven – South African poet

J.P. Marais – Founder and maker of Klipdrift Brandy

K Gunter – Secret Security Service provider- 7th Generation

G.L.P. Moerdijk – Afrikaans architect, best known for the Voortrekker Monument.

H.F. Oppenheimer – South African businessman

M.W. Pretorius – First president of the South African Republic

G.S. Preller – South African journalist

F.W. Reitz – 5th State President of the Orange Free State

T.J.deV. Roos – South African politician

W.P. Steenkamp – Clergyman that erected churches in Namakwaland.

D.J.S. Theron – Boer Army military leader

J.H. de Villiers First Chief Justice of the Union of South Africa

A.G. Visser – Afrikaans poet

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