Firefighter Salary in South Africa
I am sure you are curious about the salary of firefighters in South Africa? This post gives you complete details about how much firefighters earn in SA, monthly and annually.
If you are interested in pursing a career in firefighting, you need to know the salary they are paid.
Also included in this post are:
- transnet firefighter salary
- firefighter salary per month
- firefighter starting salary
- senior firefighter salary
Roles of firefighters
Similar to other parts of the world, the primary purpose of firefighters in South Africa include the following:
- Preventing the outbreak or spread of a fire
- Fighting or extinguishing a fire
- The protection of life or property against a fire or other threatening danger
- The rescue of life or property from a fire or other danger
- Subject to the provisions of the Health Act, 1977 (Act No. 63 of 1977), the rendering of an ambulance service as an integral part of the fire brigade service
- The performance of any other function connected with any of the matters referred to in paragraphs

Firefighters ranks in South Africa
The South African Fires Services is made up of different ranks and their salaries and responsibilities varies according to the various ranks.
The list below is some of the ranks in the fire services in South Africa.
- Station commander special operations
- Chief fire officer
- Deputy chief fire officer
- Emergency communications operator
- Fire fighter specialist operations technician
- Fire fighter
- Junior fire fighter
- Learner firefighter
- Platoon commander operations
- Senior fire fighter
- Station commander operations
- Station commander risk management
- Local government standard fire and rescue service
- Station commander operations
Firefighter salary per month in South Africa
Like every other ranking system, salary varies according to ranks. Meaning, high ranking fire fighters are earn higher salaries as compare to lower ranking firefighters.
A firefighter in South Africa typically earns average of R300 000 – R900 000 per annum.
The average salary per month starts from R30 239 – R59 829.
As stated earlier, your rank determines your salary. It is therefore important for lower ranking members to continue their education in order to occupy high positions.
Things to note
Firefighters are entitled to allowances and bonuses. A typical one is the risk allowance.
It is obvious that senior members will enjoy high allowances due than junior members. This is because senior members (high ranking officers) have more responsibilities.
NOTE: The amount mentioned above might not be the exact amount received by the South African firefighters. We at SA Insider just give an estimate based of information we have gathered. If you have a more accurate information, kindly let us know by leaving a comment below.