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General Updates

How To Apply For Bee Certificate

Having a BEE Certificate comes with lots of benefits and you'll get to know about these benefits as you keep reading further. More importantly be informed that, acquiring a BEE certificate is mandatory for businesses or companies in South…

How To Apply For A Halal Certificate

If you are in South Africa, we have provided you with the steps you need to follow in order to apply for a Halal Certificate. We have also provided enough information on Halaal in this post.  About Halaal — South Africa  What Is Halal? …

How To Apply For Matric Results Via SMS

One quick mode of accessing your matric results is by the checking the website of the Department Of Basic Education. Obviously, many struggle to get their matric results especially some students and their parents, however you can easily…

How To Apply For A Teljoy Account

In order to enjoy Teljoy services, you need to create an account. Perhaps, your application may be rejected if you don't meet Teljoy's minimum requirements or you are under debt review. In today's post, we will guide you on how to apply…

How To Apply For Liquor License

The processes involved in applying for liquor license in South Africa can be challenging, therefore it's necessary to carefully follow each step to ensure your application is successful. We have provided lots of details about liquor…

How To Apply For Sassa Child Grant

You can apply for Sassa Child Support Grant using the steps we are going to show you. Before that, we are also going to show you the requirements and documents you need in order to apply for Sassa Child Grant. There is more for you on Sassa…

How To Apply For Sassa Old Age Grant

This post comes with a step by step guide on how to apply for Sassa Old Age Grant. Again, you will know if you qualify for the Sassa Old Age Grant or not. Moreover, we are going to let you know all other information about Sassa Old Age…

How To Apply For General School Assistant

Those looking forward to apply for General School Assistant should use this post as a guide to get that done smoothly. We have provided you with a step by step guide to help you apply for school assistant jobs through the Basic Education…

How To Apply For SASSA Loan Via Cellphone

The South Africa Social Security Agency (SASSA) is a nationally approved organization that is solely aimed at granting applications, support and payment to eligible beneficiaries of South Africans. Unfortunately, you cannot apply for SASSA…