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A4 Photocopy Paper Price

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What is the size of A4 paper? And, for that matter, A3, A5, and A0! The most popular paper sizes used in the UK for printing and stationery are denoted by the letter A, and are commonly referred to as International Paper Sizes. The range starts with the minuscule A10 (37mm x 26mm) and progresses to the massive A0 (1189mm x 841mm).

Types Of Paper

What size is A5 paper?

Portrait: 210mm (height) x 148.5mm (width)
Landscape: 148.5mm (height) x 210mm (width)
Note: 148mm is also an acceptable height/width for printing on A5 paper
A5 printing

What size is A4 paper?

Portrait: 297mm (height) x 210mm (width)
Landscape: 210mm (height) x 297mm (width)
A4 printing

What size is A3 paper?

Portrait: 420mm (height) x 297mm (width)
Landscape: 297mm (height) x 420mm (width)
A3 printing

What size is A2 paper?

Portrait: 594mm (height) x 420mm (width)
Landscape: 420mm (height) x 594mm (width)
A2 printing

What size is A1 paper?

Portrait: 841mm (height) x 594mm (width)
Landscape: 594mm (height) x 841mm (width)
A1 printing

What size is A0 paper?

Portrait: 1189mm (height) x 841mm (width)
Landscape: 841mm (height) x 1189mm (width)
A0 printing

Break Down Of The A-Sized Papers

With A-sized paper, no matter how many times you double the short edge or halve the long edge, the width to height ratio will always be the same. A4 paper, for example, has dimensions of 210x297mm, and half of A4 equals A5, and double A4 equals A3.

All following A paper sizes, beginning with A0, are established by halving the paper’s longest size. A0 is divided in half to create A1, which is divided in half and produce A2, and so on down to A10. Remember that the smaller size’s length is always equal to the larger size’s breadth. A4’s length, for example, is 297mm, which is also the width of A3.

The most common paper size in the world, excluding North America and Canada, is A4 (a familiar 210mm x 297mm). It is the typical paper size for most home printers and is often used for letters and correspondence in the UK. I’m sure you’ve seen, used, or wrote on at least one of these today!

A4 Photocopy Paper Price

Mondi Rotatrim Paper A4 80g Copy Paper Bulk Deal Price/400 reams/80 boxes @R70.79 per ream R28,314.00
Colotech Plus A4 90gsm Paper (500’s) R248.84
Iq Selection A4 90gsm White Prestige Bond R231.06
Double A Copy Paper 80g A4 R93.89
Smart Copy Paper A4 80g(Available CT and JHB only) R76.50


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