UIF Call Centre In South Africa – South Africa Insider

UIF Call Centre In South Africa

Welcome to yet another comprehensive content from sainsider.co.za. In this article, I will be telling you uif call centre i south africa.

How to get in touch with Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) and more. Kindly stay with me while I give you all the information you need on uif call centre i south africa.

What Is UIF?

The Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) provides workers with short-term support when they become unemployed or are unable to work due to maternity, adoption, or parental leave, or illness.

Can I apply for UIF online?

Employers can use uFiling, a secure online system, to register, declare, and pay UIF contributions. Employees can also utilize the system to apply for unemployment, maternity, and illness benefits.

UIF Unemployment Benefits

When your employer ends your employment, you can claim for unemployment compensation through the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF).

The benefits are only available if you have contributed to the UIF while working. You cannot file a claim if you have quit, been suspended, or gone missing from work. If the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation, and Arbitration (CCMA) finds your resignation to be a constructive dismissal, you may file a claim.

To be eligible for assistance, you must first register as a job seeker. You must apply for UIF benefits as soon as you become jobless or within six months of losing your job.

How Much Does An Employee Get Paid?

If you have contributed to the Fund for four years or more, you can make a claim for up to 238 days. You can claim one day for every six days you worked while contributing to the Fund if you donated for a shorter period of time.

See also  How To Check My UIF Status

If you take maternity leave, you can only claim up to 121 days. The Fund will pay you a percentage of your wage/salary earned while contributing to the fund. The maximum amount you can be rewarded is 58% of your daily profits.

UIF Call Centre In South Africa

The office of the Unemplyment Insurance Fund (UIF) is in Pretoria.

Tel: +27 (0)12 337 1700 (Switchboard)
+27 (0)12 337 1680 (Call Centre)
0800 843 843/0800 UIF UIF (Call Centre)
Fax: 086 713 3000
Street address: UIF Building, 230 Lillian Ngoyi Street, Absa Towers, Pretoria Central
Postal address: The UIF, Pretoria 0052
[email protected]
[email protected]

Applications for UIF benefits can be made at any labour centre.

Thank you for reading our todays post on UIF Call Centre, we hope you enjoyed the content and believe it has been a good help for you. Dont forget to check other post the has to do with Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) on our portal as we have more topics for this particular information

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