Sephaku Cement Prices In South Africa
Welcome to, a comprehensive platform for anything South Africa. In this article, we will be talking about sephaku cement prices in South Africa. Kindly stay with us.
Sephaku Cement, which is owned by Dangote Cement, is one of Africa’s most capable integrated cement and clinker producers. They have a reputation for honesty, openness, and humanism, as well as flexibility, agility, and directness. They are passionate about assisting in the development of South Africa.
Their company was founded in response to the market’s desire for something fresh, and it was the first new entrance into the cement sector in South Africa since 1934. It was time for an ethical and transparent manufacturer, one who would become known for assisting hardware merchants and bulk cement users in providing a high-quality yet economical product to the building sector.
Why Sephaku Cement
People at Sephaku Cement are driven, talented, and motivated. They make every effort to guarantee that clients get the most out of each product. Quality consistently expects more of them, forcing them to dig deep in order to progress and evolve. They embrace the pressure, and they support the national transformation and development ideals that make it possible.
Sephaku Cement is noted for market leadership, having revolutionized the face of cement in South Africa from the ground up.
Our outstanding high-tech plants, our two flagship facilities and large geographic footprint, our operational and process efficiency, and our unwaveringly customer-centric service attitude have all contributed to this. Dangote Cement PLC and Sephaku Holdings, our two largest owners, enable us to be a pan-African cement maker and distributor.
Types Of Sephaku Cement
Sephaku 32
Sephaku 32 is a 32.5R (CEM II/B-M (L) or CEM IV/B-V) General Purpose Cement and fully complies with the requirements for a strength class 32.5R in South African National Standard (SANS) 50197-1:2013.
‘R’ denotes early strength and the addition of high grade cement extenders ensures professional quality, less water to produce a cohesive mix and long term durability.
Sephaku cements have lower embodied CO2 as a result of a proportion of the clinker that forms the base cement being replaced by an alternative cementitious addition.
- Product of choice for all types of ‘home’ concretes
- Extremely versatile for a wide range of building applications
- Consistent, convenient and cost-eff ective
- For general use in any home/building concrete, mortar, plaster and screed applications
- Improved workability, cohesion and fi nishing
SepROAD is a CEM II B-L 32,5N class cement. Formulated to comply with South African National Standard SANS 50197-1:2013 cement specifi cation for common cements. Specifi cally formulated to stabilise a broad range of road materials. SepROAD is formulated using intimately ground clinker and high quality limestone. Reducing Plastic Index (PI), unconfi ned compressive strength (UCS) of high clay soils, ensuring durability, stability and strength. The longer setting times make it ideal to stabilise longer stretches of road.
Sephaku blended cements have lower embodied CO2 as a result of a proportion of the clinker of the base cement being replaced by a high grade alternative cementitious addition.
In soil stabilization the objective is to thoroughly intimately mix a carefully selected crushed soil and a stabilizing agent, SepROAD, with an Optimum Moisture Content as tested in a laboratory to achieve the highest compacted density and therefore the best Unconfined Compressive Strength and achieve the best durability for your stabilized road subbase to receive the final wearing surface.
- Ideal formulation for modification of different soil types
- Extremely versatile for a wide range of building and civil applications
- Ideal to do longer stretches of stabilization on roads.
- Due to longer setting times when used for stabilization gives better UCS strengths.
- Ease of use by spraying or bags
Sephaku 42
Sephaku 42N is a 42,5N (CEM II/A-L or CEM IV/ A-V) general purpose cement and fully complies with the requirements for a strength class 42,5N in the South African National Standard SANS 50197-1:2013.
The ‘N’ denotes normal strength gain and the addition of high-grade cement extenders ensures professional quality and less water to produce a cohesive mix and long-term durability.
Sephaku blended cements have lower embodied CO2 as a result of a proportion of the clinker of the base cement being replaced by a high grade alternative cementitious addition.
For more specialized structural concrete applications, the use of Sephaku 42R or Sephaku 52 should be considered.
- Ideal across a wide range of building and civil work
- For use in the manufacture of concrete products
- Suitable for all types of ‘home’ concrete
- Extremely versatile and general purpose product for a wide range of concrete, mortar and screed applications
- Less water to produce a cohesive mix and long-term durability
Sephaku 42
Sephaku 42R is a type CEM II/AV 42,5R early strength cement and is manufactured to fully conform to the requirements of strength class 42,5R in accordance with South African National Standard SANS 501971:2013.
Sephaku 42R is rated ‘R’ in terms of early rapid strength development which makes it ideally suited where faster demolding or striking/ stripping of formwork is beneficial.
Sephaku blended cements have lower embodied CO2 as a result of a proportion of the clinker of the base cement being replaced by a high grade alternative cementitious addition.
Portland-Fly Ash cement concretes, designed for the same strength as Portland cement concrete, will continue to gain additional strength to 90 days and beyond, provided adequate curing is given to
the concrete.
- Ideal for all types of building and civil work
- For use in the manufacture of concrete products
- Suitable for ready-mix and site-batched concrete, mortar and screeds
- Exhibits early strength which improves stripping time
- Benefits of reduced water demand make concrete easier to flow and pump, resulting in improved surface finish
Sephaku 52
Sephaku 52 is a type CEM I 52,5N high-performance cement and is manufactured to comply with the requirements for a strength class 52,5N in accordance with South African National Standard SANS 50197–1:2013.
Sephaku 52 is suitable for use with cement extenders, e.g. Fly Ash, GGBS (Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag) and Silica Fume to enhance the properties and uses of concretes.
Sephaku 52 should be stored in a structurally sound bulk cement silo that is watertight and compatible with industry standard approved couplings for bulk cement tankers.
Sephaku 52 is only available in bulk. Kindly contact the call center or your technical representative for more information.
- Particularly suited for civil engineering and structural concrete applications
- High-strength concrete, pre-casting and ready-mix
- Suited for water-tight, structural and pre-stressed concretes
- Day-one strength and cold-weather concreting
- Precision grouts, repairs and formulated cement products
Sephaku Cement Prices In South Africa
To get prices of sephaku cement in South Africa, kindly click on this link to see their product brochure
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