South African Army Salaries. Full Details – South Africa Insider

South African Army Salaries. Full Details

If you need more information on SANDF ranks and salaries, you landed on the right page at the right time.

The South Africa Army is a military branch of the South African National Defence Force. The SANDF consists of the South African Army, South African Air Force, South African Navy and South African Military Health Service.

The South African army is made up of different ranks and their salaries varies according to the various ranks.

In this article, you will find:

  1. South African Army Roles
  2. South African Army Ranks
  3. South African Army salary components
  4. SA army salary during training and many more.


South Africa Army Ranks

The SA army ranks are no different from other amy in the world. South Africa Army has the following ranks.

The ranking system used by our dear nation was derived from that of the British Army. SA Army ranks have been categorized into three, they are:

  • Officers
  • Warrant officers
  • Other ranks

South Africa Army Officers ranks

  • General
  • Lieutenant General
  • Major General
  • Brigadier
  • Colonel
  • Commandant
  • Major
  • Captain
  • Lieutenant
  • 2nd Lieutenant
  • Candidate Officer

Read Also: Police Officer Salary in South Africa.

Warrant Officers Rank

  • Senior warrant officer
  • Master warrant officer
  • Chief warrant officer
  • Senior chief warrant officer
  • Master chief warrant officer

Other ranks

  • Warrant officer 1
  • Warrant officer class
  • Staff sergeant
  • Sergeant
  • Corporal
  • Lance corporal


SA Army Salaries

South African Military Ranks & Salaries

You should note that the South Africa Army salary is like every other military system, salary varies according to ranks.

Meaning that the higher your rank as a military officer the higher your salary.

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See from the table below the salaries of the South African Army.

An officer in the SA Army receives an average of R300 000 – R900 000 per annum.

This means that sa army salary per month is definitely going to range between R30,000 – R90,000.

The specific salaries are dependent on the rank of the officer. See the image below for more on South African military salary and their respective ranks.


SA Army Salaries in table

RANK Salary
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SA army salary during training

The salary amount given to military trainees in South Africa has been a topic frequently asked by many.

Below is the information we gathered in regards to army personnels salary during their training.

We estimate that SA army trainees earn between R 100,000 and R 120,000. These mostly come as allowances

From the information above, it means that the South African Army training salary per month ranges between R 10,000 to R 12,000.

Thank you.

Major General Salary in south africa

According to a document sighted by South African Insider, Major General salary is entitled to salary level 14.

Lance Corporal Salary South africa

We will update this with the accurate salary of Lance Corporal salary in South Africa.

Military doctor salary in south africa per month


SANDF salary levels

The salary levels are from Salary Level 1 to 16. The Lieutenant General National Commander is entitled to the salary level 16. Thus, he earns the highest salary in the South African National Defence Force.

See also  Midwife Salary in South Africa

Military Police Salary per month in south africa

We will update this article with the salary of military police. If you have more information about that, leave it in the comment section.


SA Army Roles

The South African Army roles are as follows:

Frequently Asked Questions about the SA army

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”How much do soldiers in basic training get paid in south africa” answer-0=”South African soldiers in basic training are said to earn a monthly salary of between around R11 923 – R12 158″ image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”How much is chief of sandf salary” answer-1=”The chief also the Commander in Chief is on salary level 16.” image-1=”” count=”2″ html=”true” css_class=””]

Things to note

Officers are entitled to several allowances and bonuses. Higher ranking officers are entitled to higher allowances due to higher responsibilities.

NOTE: The amount mentioned above might not be the exact amount received by the SA Army officers. We at SA Insider just give an estimate based on the information we have gathered. If you have more accurate information, kindly let us know by leaving a comment below.

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