Pharmacist Salary in South Africa in – South Africa Insider

Pharmacist Salary in South Africa in

We are going to make known to you the salary of pharmacist in South Africa. How much do pharmacist earn monthly?

If you need answers to this question, then you are at the right place.

Pharmacist are health professionals whole focus is to ensure that there is effective and safe use of medications. A qualified pharmacist in South Africa and any other parts of the world is licenced to prescribe medications, give advice on medications, amongst others.

A pharmacist may decide either to work in the hospital, industries, a private facility or even setup and manager his or her own pharmaceutical company or pharmacy.

Pharmacist salary SA
Pharmacist salary SA

Students wishing to study pharmacy or pharmacist assistant courses in South Africa will now be aware of the salaries in the public sector and will now understand if the pharmacy degree and courses are worth it to pursue. Those students completing the masters in Clinical Pharmacology in South Africa will be able to plan their career path once they understand the salary structure in the public sector and compare it to the private sector or to other countries.

Also included in this post are:

  • Pharmacy intern salary in South Africa
  • Community Service pharmacy salary in South Africa
  • Clinical pharmacist salary
  • And many more.

Pharmacist assistants, basic and post-basic,  salaries are also discussed.

Classifications of pharmacist

  • Pharmacy assistant
  • Pharmacist (General stream)
  • Pharmacist (clinical and policy streams)

Pharmacist in the public sector salary components

Below are the basic components of a pharmacist employed in the public sector.

  • The pharmacist salary is based on total cost to employer package
  • Pharmacy assistant category is based on a basic salary with the following benefits
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Housing – R 16780

Medical aid – R 16 871 – R64668

Birthday bonus – 8,333%

Pensions contribution – 13%

  • In-hospital allowance or rural for pharmacists are 12% and 17%


Pharmacist salary in South Africa

Rank Net salary per month
Basic grade 1 R 9 873
Basic grade 2 R 10 239
Basic grade 3 R12 268
Post Basic grade 1 R 13 017
Post Basic grade 2 R 15 097
Post Basic grade 3 R 16 355
General Pharmacist
Pharmacist (intern) R 26 718
Pharmacist (Community Service) R 32 851
Pharmacist Grade 1 R 41 081
Pharmacist Grade 2 R 44 500
Pharmacist Grade 3 R 47 865
Pharmacist supervisor Grade 1 R 47 865
Pharmacist supervisor Grade 2 R 51 546
Assistant manger R 51 540
Deputy manager R 57 721
Manager R 60 743
senior R 71 748
Clinical pharmacist

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